Hello Everyone,
Hopefully this newsletter finds you all well.
Past Events
Wednesday 15th May 2024 Mid-Month Meal – The Orange Tree, Sawbridgeworth
Thirteen members enjoyed a very pleasant meal at the Orange Tree which has undergone a change of ownership which has in my opinion has improved the food offered. Thanks to Mike & Heather Cowley for organising this event.
Sunday 19 May 2024 River Trip – River Stort
Nine members enjoyed a pleasant trip down the River Stort from Burnt Mill moorings to Roydon followed by an enjoyable pub meal at The Moorhen, everyone who wanted to have a steer or help at the locks were able to do so. The weather was great which also helped to make the day. On board catering was some home made cakes kindly made by my better half so thanks to Yvonne for that. We were also able to present Canalability with a cheque for £300.00 towards the fitout of their new all electric canal boat, this donation came from the profits of last years car show.
Sunday 2nd June 2024 – Monthly Meeting – Matching Green Cricket Cub
Our regular monthly meeting saw eighteen members enjoy a glorious day on Matching Green enjoying their picnics and a general chat. The cricket pavilion was available for drinks etc. The Car of the month was won by Richard Hinds for his Mercedes, congratulations to Richard. Hopefully I didn’t spoil the day to much with my Chairman’s Chat.
Ann & Malcolm Gillespie presented a cheque to a local scout group for £500.00 which will go towards new camping equipment. This donation came from the profits from last years car show and just underlines the impact we can have on local groups as a result of a successful show.
Events coming up
2024 Subscriptions are now due, please if possible make payment direct to the clubs bank account quoting your name and 2024 subscription.
Friday 7th - Sunday 9th June 2024 – 2 Night Weekend Tour – Caley Hall Hotel, Old Hunstanton, NorfolkFollowing last years very enjoyable visit to this hotel, everyone I spoke to said they would be happy to return this year. We have 14 rooms booked for this weekend. If anyone else
would like to join us the cost will be £470.00 for Dinner, Bed & Breakfast please let me know asap and I will contact the hotel ian.s.robinson@sky.com.
Wednesday 19th June 2024 – Mid-Month Meal – Hand & Crown, High Wych Rd, Sawbridgeworth CM21 0AY
We have a table booked 12:30 for 1:00pm, if you would like to join us please contact Wendy Way.
Saturday 8th June 2024 – D-Day Celebrations – Sheering Village Hall
Joe Wells has recommended this event, they would appreciate some classic cars on the day. Joe’s contact details are lordjoewells@gmail.com The £10.00 charge is only for the dance being held in the village hall all other events are free.
Wednesday 3rd July 2024 – Classics in the Walled Garden – Luton Hoo Estate, Luton
Colin McKay has recommended this event and has attended in the past.
Sunday 14th July 2024 – Annual Car Show – Matching Green
Our Annual car show will be taking place on Matching Green, we need to know who would be willing help out on either the Saturday, Sunday or both days, please let Jon Rome know if you can help. We also need to know who will be bringing cars along to the show and would be willing to take them into the arena at the start of the show. This is our advertisement to the local classic car show community and the main way of attracting new members and generating income to enable us to make our charitable donations. Please help out if you are able to.
Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd September 2024 – 2 Night Weekend Tour – The Hickstead Hotel, West Sussex.
Simon & Jackie Burton are organising a weekend stay at The Hickstead Hotel, West Sussex about 9 miles north of Brighton. The cost of the weekend including breakfast and dinner is £410.00. We have provisionally reserved 15 rooms. A deposit of £190 will be required in August.
Just a reminder that we now have several online platforms for you to get information and communicate with other members.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/MGCSCC
WhatsApp – please let me know if you would like to be added to our group.
I will be adding a regalia order form onto the website this week, if you are in need of a new polo shirt, fleece or even a beanie for the cooler months please check it out. Any feedback would be most appreciated, good or bad.
To assist the people who are organising events you must email them and confirm that you would like to attend. Please do not just click attending on the facebook event and assume that this will be picked up, thank you.
If anybody who has attended one of our recent events who has taken any pictures that they wouldn’t mind being published to our website and Facebook page can you please email them to me ian.s.robinson1@gmail.com. Thank you.
Club members who are also members of the website can now see the minutes of our committee meetings so check this section out and see what happens to make the club work.
There is a classified section on the website, if you have anything for sale or are looking for that elusive part let me know and I will put this on for you.
I am not sure if anyone has noticed that the links to the regalia section are now working, it is best to use a PC, Laptop or tablet to use this.
The club is a member of the FBHVC, issue 2 - 2024 of their magazine is available to download from their website, a link to this is on our website. There is also a vast quantity of information relating to all aspects of vintage & classic car matters. If anyone has any problems with access to areas of this site please let me know.
Hope to see you at an event soon
Safe motoring
Chairman - Ian