About Us
The Matching Green Classic and Sports Car Club was formed twenty-five years ago by a very small number of local car enthusiasts and has grown steadily to its present membership of around ninety members.Basically we are a social club with members having a common interest in classic and sports cars and we meet on the first Sunday in each month at The Fox public house in Matching Tye for refreshments and to catch up with club news. There is one exception to this routine and that is the first Sunday in July when our annual car show takes place on Matching Green starting at 10.30 and running through to 16.30.Our club activities each year include one, two and three day tours to places of interest in the UK, a European tour, a theatre/dinner event, a club dinner dance and a BBQ.The annual car show has become a village event thanks to the support of The Matching Cricket Club, The Friendly Club, our sponsors and other local organisations. Between us, our aim is to provide a pleasant day out for families as well as showcasing a whole range of vehicles for the motoring enthusiasts that come each year.At our annual show there is supervised parking, several food outlets, entertainment for the children,live music spot, retail stalls, a raffle, a parade ring for special interest vehicles with a live commentary and trophies for prize-winning vehicles in five categories.In the past four years we have donated any profit from the show to local charities and good causes.Unlike quite a few other car shows we do not charge for entrance or for parking but rely on the generosity of our sponsors, income from advertising space in the programme and the sale of the programmes (£2) to finance this event.During this period we have donated a total of almost £17,000. Seven local organisations have received multiple sums of money, two individuals with special needs have benefited from our financial support and we have helped finance the purchase of two local defibrillators. The four main recipients are St Clare Hospice, The Little Havens Hospice, Essex Air Ambulance and Matching School.The main aim of our annual show is not solely about raising money. It is for the benefit of local families and car enthusiasts and, if in the process, the income from the day exceeds the cost of organising it, we undertake to put that profit to good and effective use in the local community.